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GenSpark Vs. IT Bootcamps: What’s the big difference?

#image 15 June 2022 | #image 6 min read




Looking to break into the IT field? Does your Google search consist of nothing but Coding Bootcamps? Curious to explore some free solutions to break into the technology field? If you answered yes to all those questions, then GenSpark may be great for you! So, let’s dive into the difference between GenSpark and Coding Bootcamps, and why we think GenSpark is a better option for you.  Wink wink.

As you likely know, coding bootcamps, also known as Information Technology (IT) Bootcamps, are intensive, short-term training programs in technology fields. Coding Bootcamps offer training in an array of programming languages like python, PHP, JavaScript, and so on.

And while sharpening your skillset is great, GenSpark can do that and much, much more.  GenSpark is more than just a training program, we’re sparking careers. Not only do we train you, we also get you job experience working with our clients. That’s why whether you’re considering joining a Coding Bootcamp, or you’ve already completed one, GenSpark can help you land your dream job!

Still skeptical? No worries. Let’s dive a bit deeper, shall we? Continue Reading Below.

Let’s Talk Money!

Money talks, so let’s start there. Training is an important component of both bootcamps and GenSpark. However, training is expensive, and bootcamps make sure to charge you for those training cost. Roughly bootcamps can cost as much as $20K, and that cost comes straight from your hard-earned money.

Whereas, at GenSpark we pay you to train. You read that right: we invest in our talent. Our GenSparkers are offered free training and get paid a weekly stipend to sharpen their technical skills.

Getting trained for a cost vs. getting trained with pay? Easy choice! And our support doesn’t stop there, GenSpark sticks with you every step of the way!

Quality of Training! 

When it comes to us and IT bootcamps, we’re alike in the fact that we both want to provide quality training. The goal across the board is to get you well trained in technical skills,  but there are a few differences to highlight.

At GenSpark, we have dozens of career pathways that you can choose from. Our training is really focused on the job at the end, so we focus on the career more than just the skillset. Some of our career training pathways include:

  • Java Full Stack Training
  • Data Analytics Training and Data Science Training
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Training

Not only are our training cohorts tailored to employable technical skills, but we also provide soft skill training and interview prep. Our GenSparkers spend a portion of their training completing mock interviews with IT professionals to ensure they’re prepared to fill those client roles we have waiting on them!

And after you start your job with GenSpark’s client, your training is just getting started. We continue to support you while you’re working with our client so that you are reaching your full potential and growing with the role. That means that we’ll set you up with more training and mentorship for you to access as you need so that you are continuously learning. And in technology, there is no greater asset than access to knowledge.

Career Opportunities Abound! 

So, what happens after training? Well, it depends where you go…

Coding boot camps offer career services that facilitate meet-and-greets with employers, however their support is relatively hands-off. Ultimately, it’s up to you to create your own connections and get hired, and usually after attending coding bootcamps, the job search takes 6 months on average. Meaning that’s 6 months without pay, so while there’s job flexibility, there’s also a lot of uncertainty and stress.

But if you’re at GenSpark, there is an opportunity waiting for you after your training is over. GenSpark takes a hands-on approach. We take the responsibility of connecting you with GenSpark clients and their jobs. We even partner with many bootcamps to help their graduates get hired as we have the deepest employer connections.

GenSpark has a large network of Fortune 500 clients that we work with daily to understand their technology talent needs so that we train on exactly the most in-demand skills. We leverage those connections on your behalf so all you must do is complete your training and ace the interview process with our clients. That’s why 90% of GenSparkers find jobs through GenSpark.

And the average time to get hired? We’ve shortened that to 1 month after training during which you still get paid by GenSpark. So, we really did mean it when we say we’re with you every step of the way.

Hear it for Yourself: Message from GenSparkers!

Don’t take our word for it. Hear it firsthand from our GenSparkers who have gone through both Coding Bootcamps & then joined GenSpark to kickstart their career!

Dan Fellows: From Musician to Technician with the help of GenSpark 

Once Dan decided he was ready for a more consistent income, he turned to programming. He had attended bootcamps but found they didn’t go far enough in positioning him for a job with a solid career in technology.

“Some (training programs) seem to take just anyone. So, when it doesn’t work out, it’s painful. At GenSpark, they want you to succeed so much that they work from their first introduction right through training and on to the first job, making sure you are successful. Everyone from your cohort to the executives seem to get really excited when someone achieves a goal. It’s great to be part of that.

While other similar companies take an only the strongest will survive, dog-eat-dog approach, the people at GenSpark want everyone who comes through the program to succeed. That makes  all the difference in the world.”

GenSparker Dan Fellows

Kai Shu: From IT Bootcamp to GenSpark

After attending a few boot camps, Kai felt he was developing the necessary skills to get a job. But he learned even that wasn’t enough.

“When GenSpark said they would pay me to train, I realized that they must have a network and job opportunities for me,” said Kai. “At GenSpark, they pay you and they get you a job. That gave me confidence in the opportunity.”

I also built confidence with the technical skills that I learned, like Java and AWS. They have been essential. But GenSpark also taught me how to operate in the real world of technology. Doing stand ups, tackling my own work, understanding the workflow – those are all skills I built up during my 10 weeks of training at GenSpark

After I completed training at GenSpark, I got a job with a client as a Java Full Stack Developer. Right now, I am working with a team of engineers to move our current codebase to AWS. My day on the job looks like my days at GenSpark: every day I have a daily stand up with my team and then I do my work. I feel comfortable in the professional environment.”

GenSparker Kai Shu

 I’m interested in GenSpark, so now what?

Well, it’s easy really. First, let’s ensure you meet the qualifications. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life, but we need you to meet these basic qualifications:

  1. Authorized to work in your country of origin
  2. No Visa sponsorships required
  3. Join GenSpark full-time (Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM EST)
  4. Willing to relocate for client placement (relocation may not be necessary, but willingness is required; GenSpark will support relocation costs)

If the above sounds like you, then you’re ready to take the first step towards your future! Apply to GenSpark and one of our awesome GenSpark recruiters will be in touch with next steps!

And what if you’ve already attended a coding bootcamp and want help to get hired, like Dan & Kai? You can still join GenSpark! We can help you find a job directly if your skills line up with our needs, or you can join one of our cohorts to get job-specific training and then get the job. Either way, we want to help you spark your career!

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